Fanuc A06B-6134-H303#A Beta amplifier unit. This unit known as a combo unit combines 3 axes channels with a 15kW spindle amplifier. With its own in-built power supply it is similar to other BETA units. Normally found on less demanding CNC machine tools.
The axis channels are rated at 13A each; driving either model bi8 or bi12 series BETA servo motors on any channel; and spindle motors upto model biLP18. In a neat package this drive offered machine tool builders an excellent solution for the lower end smaller CNC machining centre’s.
This amplifier unit is normally released with late 18/21i-B controls or more than likely with the popular 0i-MC control system as a cheaper alternative to the 30/31i controls.
As with all of the Fanuc parts that we repair for exchange stock, we have built up an extensive stock of components including intelligent power modules, opto’s, capacitors isolation amplifiers and much more.
Further we then test the A06B-6134-H303#A on our purpose built rig; which unlike a lot of Fanuc test rigs sold from the far east; we can actually control everything properly and run multiple programs, etc. As with all of the parts we supply this unit carries our warranty to protect you from unexpected breakdowns and too get your machine tool back up and running promptly.
If you are unsure whether your Fanuc BETA amplifier unit is indeed faulty; refer to our Fanuc alarms page specifically for this series: Fanuc Beta biSVPM unit alarms.
A06B-6134-H303#A is always in stock. At DNC we currently have stock of SVSP3-15/15/15i for either exchange or for outright sale (surplus). This is the quickest way you can get parts to your machine. Alternatively if cost is a more important consideration then we offer extensive repair and testing facilities for these amplifiers.
There is very little we dont know about theses amplifiers electronics and have come across most alarm codes and and worked out the rectifying repair necessary.