Fanuc Controls


FANUC controls and system boards dating back to 1980 are supplied. Fanuc CNC’s have allowed machining to evolve to ever higher speeds, substantial increases in precision allowing higher tolerence. At DNC we offer repair and test on our custom FANUC systems with FANUC drives and FANUC motors in most cases if required. FANUC and GE Fanuc series control systems, are available at DNC including the Zero series the biggest selling control system series in the history of CNC computer NC numerical control.

Systems supported at DNC.

Supported are control boards and pcbs from the following system series Fanuc 0A, 0B, 0C, 0M, 0T, 0-Mate, 00M, 00T, 3M, 3T, 3TF, 6M, 6T, 10M, 10T, 11M, 11T, 15M, 15T, 16M, 16i-M, 16T, 16i-T, 18M, 18i-M, 18-T, 18i-T, 20T, 21M, 21i-M, 21T, 21-TB, 21i-T. Boards from these systems include GE Fanuc master boards, memory, graphics, axis, i-o, rom, pmc, fapt, add. axis, option and operator pcbs. Click on the following link for a list of FANUC control boards.

Fanuc Control Parts:Fanuc SYSTEMS (series):
Fanuc Main PCB / MasterboardFanuc Series 0-C, 0-MC, 0-TC, 0-MD, 0-TD
Fanuc Memory BMU,SRAM,DRAMFanuc Series 0-B
Fanuc Power Supply UnitFanuc Series 0-A
Fanuc Axis ControllerFanuc System 3, 3M, 3T
Fanuc Spindle ControllerFanuc Series 21, 21M, 21T / 20M/20T / 210
Fanuc I/O PCBFanuc Series 16i, 18i, 21i
Fanuc Graphic PCBFanuc Series 16 / 18
Fanuc Input Power Unit (I/P Unit)Fanuc Series 15, 15M, 15T, 15TF
Fanuc PMC Card (M Ladder)Fanuc System 11
Fanuc Operator PCBFanuc System 10
Fanuc PLC I/O Module (Yellow unit)Fanuc System 6
Fanuc CPU (i generation plug in)Fanuc Series 0i, 0iB, 0iC, 0i-D
Fanuc BackplaneFanuc RJ2, RJ3, RJi
Fanuc Communication PCB (RS232, Puncher)Fanuc Power Mate
Fanuc SMD (small modular device) DNC’s list of Fanuc Controls
Fanuc Tapereader
Fanuc Operator PanelFanuc System 5 (No longer Supported).
Fanuc Keyboard
Fanuc Membrane
Fanuc Battery

Check our Fanuc Alarm Codes listing alarms for various systems. May help with finding faulty parts, cables, etc. If you are looking to purchase brand new controls for retrofitting; then possibly best to contact Fanuc themselves.