Fanuc A86L-0001-0127 Keyboard. This 43 key keyboard sits sandwiched between the operator control PCB and the membrane on many a Fanuc operator panel. Using micro switches and sitting behind over 15 different A98L-0001-0524#?? membranes, its very popular for 2 axis lathes. Normally this keyboard would have been fitted with Fanuc 0-TA, 0-TB, 0-TC, 0-TD, 18TA, 21TA until superseded.
DNC offers keyboard exchange, and extensive testing facilities either on the keyboard, or the complete operator panel; and can replace both this keyboard, membrane, operator PCB, fascia surround, etc. DNC also offer repair of this 2 axis keyboard for smaller lathes. Warranty for either exchange, repaired or sold as used Fanuc spares is 180 days.