FANUC Alpha PSM Alarms

Fanuc Alpha Power Supply Module Alarms and Error Codes

Fanuc Alpha Power Supply Module Alarms for 200VAC and 400VAC PS modules with codes PSM, PSM-R, PSM HV. Included series are: A06B-6077A06B-6081, A06B-6087, A06B-6091

Please contact us if you need testing, a repair or an exchange part. For further information please visit our dedicated Fanuc Alpha Power Supply Page.

Alarm Code Description of Alarm/Error
1 Overcurrent flowed into the input of the main circuit.
2 A cooling fan for the control circuit has stopped.
3 The temperature of the main circuit heat sink has risen abnormally.
4 In the main circuit the DC voltage (DC link) has dropped.
5 The main circuit capacitor was not charged with the specific time.
6 The control power supply voltage decreases.
7 In the main circuit the DC voltage at the DC link is abnormally high.
8 There is excessive short-term regenerative power
A A cooling fan of external cooling has stopped.
E The input power supply is abnormal (open phase)
H The temperature of the regenerative resistor has risen abnormally.

Certain power supply module alarms occur that can force the spindle amplifier module to alarm in Tandem. If the alarms below are present with the corresponding SPM alarms then these are PSM issues!

PSM Alarm 7

If Alarm 11 presents on the spindle amplifier module at the same time. Then high voltage on the DC bus due to the PSM or power to the PSM.

PSM Alarm 1

If Alarm 30 is present on the spindle amplifier module. Then overcurrent on the power supply voltage circuit. Can be issue with the 3ph supply

PSM Alarm 5

If Alarm 33 is present on the spindle amplifier module then PSM issue indicating: DC Link Pre Charge failure.

PSM Alarm 4

If Alarm 51 is present on the spindle power module then PSM issue indicating: DC Bus link is low.

PSM Alarm 2

If Alarm 59 presents on SPM in combination with AL.2 on PSM; then cooling Fan has stopped in the PSM.