Fanuc A06B-6120-H045 ai Power Supply Module. This ALPHA i series is the first generation of aiPS 400VAC power system. This HV (high voltage) variant of the power supply PSM-45HVi is 150mm wide unit power equally sized spindle amplifier module and a variety of 400VAC servo amps. The drive contains heatsink with 1200 volt transistor modules; the wiring PCB A16B-2203-0637 and control board interfacing between modules.
The A06B-6120-H045 is uaually always in stock at DNC. Available on an exchange basis normally; though es-stock surplus for outright sale does sometimes exist. If getting your exhange next day or same day is not so important and cost of repair is the main consideration; then we offer clean, test and repair service. As we have in-house built test rigs we can functionally test the aiSP-45HV power module. Further we offer 24 hour repair turnaround on power supply modules assuming they are economically repairable and NON interfered with.
Please visit our Fanuc aiPS power supply modules alarm page to reference alarms present. Alternatively contact us via email or phone to get prices, stock availability and information.